Understanding the Biggest Causes of Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Treating a disease is one part but understanding the cause of a disease is very important. Then only we will be able to come to a proper conclusion on what remedial actions we can take. Fibromyalgia is one such condition which confuses with several symptoms varying from one person to another person based on their…

Top 8 Real Symptoms of Fibromyalgia that you should know

There are many disorders affecting people about which the knowledge is very minimal. One such disorder is fibromyalgia. This is one of the common diseases that affect nearly 2 to 8 percent of the global population. The actual cause of the disease is still unknown but there are many factors identified that hold responsibility for the symptoms…

Courts have upheld fibromyalgia as reason for declaring permanent disability

Fibromyalgia can indeed be recognized as a valid reason for declaring permanent disability in some cases, but it largely depends on the specific circumstances and the legal and medical criteria established in a particular jurisdiction. Courts and disability determination agencies typically evaluate disability claims based on a combination of medical evidence, the impact of the…

Embarrassing symptoms of fibromyalgia that we do not talk about

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that can have a wide range of symptoms, some of which may be embarrassing or uncomfortable to discuss openly. It’s important to remember that these symptoms are a real part of the condition, and individuals with fibromyalgia should not feel ashamed or stigmatized. Here are some embarrassing or less-discussed…

3 Effective and Best Pain Relievers for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and chronic pain condition that can be challenging to manage. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to pain relief for fibromyalgia, as different individuals may respond differently to various treatments. It’s important to work closely with a healthcare professional to develop a personalized pain management plan. Here are three commonly used pain…


Fibromyalgia is a complex and chronic pain condition that is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues. While fibromyalgia does involve various types of pain and sensory symptoms, the categorization you provided is not entirely accurate. Fibromyalgia pain is often described as a combination of different sensations, but it’s not typically…

10 echte oorzaken van fibromyalgie waar uw arts u nooit over zal vertellen

Fibromyalgie is een complexe en slecht begrepen medische aandoening die wordt gekenmerkt door chronische pijn, vermoeidheid en gevoeligheid in specifieke delen van het lichaam. Hoewel de exacte oorzaak van fibromyalgie nog steeds niet volledig wordt begrepen, wordt het algemeen beschouwd als een multifactoriële aandoening met verschillende mogelijke bijdragende factoren. Het is belangrijk op te merken dat er…

10 véritables causes de la fibromyalgie dont votre médecin ne vous parlera jamais

La fibromyalgie est une maladie complexe et mal comprise caractérisée par une douleur chronique, une fatigue et une sensibilité dans des zones spécifiques du corps. Bien que la cause exacte de la fibromyalgie ne soit pas encore entièrement comprise, elle est largement considérée comme une maladie multifactorielle avec divers facteurs contributifs potentiels. Il est important de noter…

10 wahre Ursachen für Fibromyalgie, von denen Ihr Arzt Ihnen niemals erzählen wird

Fibromyalgie ist eine komplexe und wenig verstandene Erkrankung, die durch chronische Schmerzen, Müdigkeit und Empfindlichkeit in bestimmten Körperbereichen gekennzeichnet ist. Obwohl die genaue Ursache der Fibromyalgie immer noch nicht vollständig geklärt ist, wird allgemein davon ausgegangen, dass es sich um eine multifaktorielle Erkrankung handelt, bei der verschiedene Faktoren eine Rolle spielen können. Es ist wichtig zu beachten,…

10 sanna orsaker till fibromyalgi som din läkare aldrig kommer att berätta om

Fibromyalgi är ett komplext och dåligt känt medicinskt tillstånd som kännetecknas av kronisk smärta, trötthet och ömhet i specifika delar av kroppen. Även om den exakta orsaken till fibromyalgi fortfarande inte är helt klarlagd, anses det allmänt vara ett multifaktoriellt tillstånd med olika potentiella bidragande faktorer. Det är viktigt att notera att det inte finns några definitiva…